We have become docents at our zoo. Docents are educators, yep that's what I said educators. We spent January - March attending Saturday classes to learn all the things expected of us. So exactly what do we do? Well, we basically are ambassadors for the Little Rock Zoo. Among all the wonderful exhibits there, the zoo has an education department, as all zoo's have. Within the department are what are termed "education animals." These animals include, Parrots, Macaws, Rabbits, a Tortoise, Ferrets, a Fan-Tailed Pigeons, a Hedgehog, a Woodchuck, Domesticated Rats, Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, a Bearded Dragon (lizard), Prickly Sticks, a Sinaloan Milk Snake, a Albino Corn Snake, Ball Pythons, a Blue Tongued Skink, a Speckled King Snake, a Chilean Rosehair Tarantula, and others!
Our function is to take animals and introduce them them to different groups. These groups may include church groups, library programs, school programs, pre-school programs, Boy/Girl scout functions, birthday parties, local functions, etc.
So not only are we sharing the experience of wildlife with a very eclectic audience, we are educating ourselves as well.
Most people consider a zoo a zoo, a place where animals are locked up for people to bring their children to see. Our zoo is fortunate to have some wonderful exhibits which are designed to be as natural as animals habitat as can be. Our zoo touts a wonderful Penguin exhibit, and this year a baby penguin was hatched, not a common occurrence in captivity. A baby gorilla was born this year. The Crowned Cranes gave birth to four little ones. All exciting happenings at any zoo. Our new Cheetah exhibit is doing well, however, aside from the usual diet fed to mom and daughter, we have found that our cats are gaining weight due their success in controlling the squirrel population!
I guess I could go on and on, but I am sure you are already bored. Needless to say, I am sure you can feel our excitement in our new found love of volunteering at the zoo.