Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer Has Arrived

And sadly in more than one way you can tell. Gas prices have shot up from just over $2.00 a gallon to $2.70. And of course it depends upon where you buy. Here in Little Rock regular ranges from $2.60 to $2.81. Plus is like $2.88 or so, which I have to use in accordance to my vehicle specs. No I don't own a go-fast performance car. I have a VW Passat Wagon and for some reason it requires the higher octane. The upside is great gas mileage, I average about 25mpg in the city and 31mpg+ on the open road!

Funny though. Went to Hot Springs yesterday and I got gas for $2.59 a gallon. That was at only one station. All the other stations were posting a $2.44 - $2.45 per gallon price. Plus at one station was $2.83.

I just don't understand why the prices go up, I guess it's because they can. The oil guru's know we are going to pay for it regardless. That fact was proven when gas hit the $4.00+ mark.

Go anywhere and you can smell the barbecue in the air. Backyard grills are running full speed ahead.

Pools are filled with happy screams of children and the commanding screams of parents, "don't do that," "no running in the pool area," "don't go in the deep end," and of course the panic scream of "wheres your sister?"

Traffic and shopping malls are horrid. It seems like every kid out of school has a car. Not sure whats worse, the kids behind wheels or school buses!

Temperatures climbing, morning lows are mid 70's. Highs getting to hit high 90's with heat indices over 100. Electric bills climbing due to the cooling of living and working spaces.

Another wonderful sign is the not so green grass. Why is it that weeds continue to grow no matter how dry it gets! Yeppers, all the rain we complained about in April and May have become a memory. With the hopes that we could get some of that rain back!

I remember a marquee at one of the local churches when I first came to Arkansas some fifteen years ago. The month was August, temps of high 90's, low 100's had been beating the state up for about two weeks. The marquee read, "don't pray for rain if you're going to complain about the mud!"


Boating weather is upon us, the lake is getting warm, and soon taking a dip will have no more cooling effect then jumping in your bath water!!!!

Life is good. Staying cool is a must. Don't forget your outside friends. Birds could really use a bubbling bird bath. And don't forget your furry friends. Be sure to have cool water for your cats and dogs and to provide a shelter for them to get out of the direct sunlight.

Stay safe, stay cool and enjoy summer, before you know it, it'll be gone!!!!